
Bale'sportrayalofBatmanhasoftenbeenconsideredoneofthegreatestofthecharacterinfilm,andhasalsobeencreditedwiththesuccessoftheDark ...,BalecappedhisroleasBruceWayne/BatmaninTheDarkKnightRises(2012);inthewakeoftheAurora,Coloradotragedy,Balemadeaquietpilgrimagetothe ...,2024年5月6日—Bale'slasttimeasBatmancamein2012'sTheDarkKnightRises.ThemoviegavetheperfectendingtohisversionofBruceWayne,whosaved .....

Bruce Wayne (Dark Knight trilogy)

Bale's portrayal of Batman has often been considered one of the greatest of the character in film, and has also been credited with the success of the Dark ...

Christian Bale

Bale capped his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman in The Dark Knight Rises (2012); in the wake of the Aurora, Colorado tragedy, Bale made a quiet pilgrimage to the ...

Christian Bale Already Revealed His 1 Condition To ...

2024年5月6日 — Bale's last time as Batman came in 2012's The Dark Knight Rises. The movie gave the perfect ending to his version of Bruce Wayne, who saved ...

Christian Bale would come back for 'The Dark Knight 4 ...

2024年5月7日 — Christian Bale would come back as Batman for a Dark Knight 4 one one specific condition.

The Dark Knight

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman: A wealthy socialite who as a child was traumatized by his parents' murder. · Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth: Wayne's ...

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight: Directed by Christopher Nolan. With Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine. When the menace known as the Joker wreaks ...

The Dark Knight Trilogy The Dark Knight Trilogy : Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Heath Ledger, Tom Hardy, ...

The Dark Knight Trilogy [4K UHD + Blu

The Dark Knight Trilogy [4K UHD + Blu-ray] ; 媒體格式, ‎Blu-ray ; 演員, ‎Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Morgan Freeman ; ASIN, ‎ ...